My Work

Browse my previous work below.

My experience is varied.

Last Dates

Winner: Best Picture – Café Flicker November 2021

Last Dates shadows Serena (Rebecca Wyman); a serial-first dater as she goes on a string of bad dates.

This short film was made as part of the Moving Image Arts course with GMAC Film in 2021. I wrote, produced and directed the film myself with the generous contribution of friends and other creatives, local to Glasgow. With no budget, everyone who worked on this film went above and beyond in their commitments of time and energy, providing props, costumes, and locations. I am immensely grateful to everyone who was involved in the production and could never put into words how much their support means to me.

Imposter Syndrome

Directed by Robin De Vernon Ryding as part of the 48 Hour Film Competition, “Imposter Syndrome” is the first short film I solely worked as Editor on. Under the conditions of the 48 Hour Film Competition, I completed editing the film in under a day after compiling the footage, making this the highest pressure job I have worked on, but a thrilling experience.

The film has since gone on to win awards at international festivals, including a best editor award for me at the Theyradiyan Intonational Film Festival in November 2022.

James Hog’s “The Royal Jubilee” at The Scottish Poetry Library

To celebrate the anniversary of the previously unperformed James Hog play, “The Royal Jubilee” as rehearsal reading of the script was performed at the Scottish Poetry Library on the second of December 2022, which I captured for the Library’s YouTube channel. Filming a live event on my own is always a challenge, but this festive night was a lot of fun to be a part of.

The video can be found Here.

The Stirling Photography Festival

I became involved with the 2021 Stirling Photography Festival to provide video content for their social media platforms, due to the limited opportunity for events during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since then, I have continued to work closely with the festival to produce a variety of videos documenting the events and projects which happen during the yearly festival.

See the videos I have made for the festival on their YouTube Channel, Here.

Scottish International Storytelling Festival 2022

ScotiaBotanica was a storytelling workshop and performance collaboration between Amanda Edmiston (botanicafabula), Lisa Schneidau and myself. To acompany the stories told by Amanda and Lisa, I created a series of short videos, centred around themes of nature, migration, and resilliance.

White Rabbit

As part of my final year at college, I helmed the production of a dramatic short film, following the psychological turmoil experienced by a teenage girl with a devistating memory burried down, deep inside her.

I primarily focused on the technical work on set as Director of Photography, however I also directed several sequences, executive produced the film and adapted the script, written by a fellow student. As my first short film made in collaboration with a large team, I am pleased with the creativity I got to exercise in making this film.

Showreel 2021


Gossip Collective

In late 2020 the Gossip Collective showcased an exhibition called TRANSPARENCy in Bannockburn House, but due to lock-down restriction at the time, the exhibition was not open to the public. I provided a video walkthrough of the exhibition to be shown on social media. The video is still available now, showing the art as it was displayed with music from Hannah McDermott.  

2021 Logo

West Lothian Pride Online shows

In 2020 and 2021 I was hired by West Lothian Pride to create video content for their live shows whuch were taking the place of in-person events during the Covid-19 pandemic.

What's Next?

There’s always another project around the corner, but what will it be?