About Me

Hi, I'm Zeph

I am a Scottish filmmaker, specialising in small-scale videography for online platforms.
My skillset has been built up over several years of study and experience in video production and filmmaking, giving me the expertise to turn your vision into reality.

Who Am I?


My introduction to filmmaking was similar to many others. I was a
teenager with a camcorder and lots of ideas. The early days of playing
around with cameras were great for learning the basic how-to’s, but far better at teaching what not to do.

inspiration to chase the dream of filmmaking came when I became
enthralled by the endless behind-the-scenes documentaries on Peter
Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings” films. Seeing the incredible work, but
more importantly; passion that went into making those epics mesmerized
me and instilled me with the belief that no other job could ever match
what filmmakers do.


I was lucky enough to get a place on the Television Production course at City of Glasgow College in 2017 where I learned far more than just the basics in the 2 years I studied there. That course has such hands-on practical teaching with impressive resources and equipment, I think anyone who studies there gets a fantastic education. During my time there I made a short documentary and drama film, both of which I am proud of to this day. 

After completing my HND I was eager to move into working, rather than further study, and began crafting a videography portfolio which led me to where I am today.


Early Work

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I began editing on commission and producing freelance
videography for organisations who needed to respond to the restrictions of
Lock-Down at that time. With video content, these groups or events could
continue to reach the public in a new, more accessible way. This created
opportunities for me to refine my approach to video production and prompting me
to pick up new skills, such as video captioning and web design.
I still work regularly with some of these organisations, including the Stirling
Photography Festival, where I am now a perminant member of the creative team.